Join W3 for Their Spring Event
Please join W3 for their spring event, Mind Games, on Wednesday, May 4, presented by Amazon best-selling author, Jay Mooreland. Please see below for details.w3-women-investing-article
Please join W3 for their spring event, Mind Games, on Wednesday, May 4, presented by Amazon best-selling author, Jay Mooreland. Please see below for details.w3-women-investing-article
On December 6, 2022, Sherri Lauver, Grants Co-Chair, led a Zoom meeting to present information on our granting process and prepare attendees to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to begin the process of applying for a 2023 Change Maker Grant of $100,000.00. Over 50 nonprofit representatives joined the call. To make it easier for…
Attucks: The School That Opened a City premiered on Thursday, August 18 at the Madame Walker Theatre. The film, a 2015 Residual Grant winner produced by Ted Green with WFYI, was screened before an audience of over 1000, including many noted Attucks grads who came from all over the country to attend. The story of this school…
Rock the Boat for Impact 100 at the White River Yacht Club on October 10 was a great fall event – to not only Follow the Impact of our 5 finalists, but to also re-connect with current members as we continue our membership drive. The finalists each shared details of their use of our grant…
Sponsors Help Us Educate and Reach Out to the Community Our Annual Awards Celebration is our premier event. Three hundred people get first-hand knowledge of the work that Impact 100 does and of the ways that our Change Makers improve our community. The cost of the Celebration is covered by ticket sales and by sponsorship…
Big Car was the finalist from the Arts, Culture and Preservation FAC in 2014 and 2017, and guests at our April Virtual Lunch. The meeting was attended by 18 members and guests. Shauta Marsh, Co-founder and Director of Programming and Dr. Jarrod Dortch, a Professor of Communication at Ivy Tech Community College and Co-Founder, were…