Successful New Member Welcome at Rock Steady Boxing
The Welcome/Orientation for all new members, including the “Follow the Impact” program provided by the great team at Rock Steady Boxing, was well attended on January 12th by both new and rejoining members, including several founding members. It was educational, emotional, and energizing!
The outstanding program provided by our 2010 Changemaker was led by Amy DiStaulo, President of Rock Steady Boxing, and Kristy Rose Follmar, Program Director (and one of the boxers essential to the organization’s origin). Both made it clear they believe RSB would not be where they are today without the $100,000 grant from Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis. Two boxers participating in the program, Kristi and Guy, shared the inspirational stories of their initial diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, and how the program eventually allowed them to believe and live the “yes, you can!” power that has changed their lives. The meeting ended with the incredible demonstration of RSB’s non-contact boxing in the ring and drills with staff and boxers in the gym.
The event was also a chance to get a great picture of this year’s scholarship members along with Roberta Ziccarelli, the Scholarship Chair.

It was a great way to introduce new members to the Power of Giving as One.™
FYI: Rock Steady Boxing is always looking for good volunteers to help in the classroom, fundraising and for other events around the gym. For more info on how to volunteer please contact: or 317.288.7035.