Member Involvement

Please Visit to our Key Dates page to learn about our current events.

Impact 100 members are not required to serve on committees, but the women who have the time to serve find their experience is enhanced when working with other women to meet our goals.

There are two types of committees:

  • Board of Directors and Board Committees tasked with the business side of running a nonprofit
  • Focus Area Committees tasked with choosing the grant finalists for our $100,000 grant, who then present their proposal to the full membership at our annual meeting each June

Board of Directors and Board Committees

If you are interested in learning more about how Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis achieves its goals and have the opportunity to work with other members, you should participate on the Board of Directors or one of the Board Committees: Membership, Marketing/Communication, Fundraising, Leaders of the Future Program, and Annual Celebration. These groups are always interested in adding smart women to their teams.

Breakdown of Board and Board Committee Member Time Commitments

Time commitment for these roles can vary. The Board meets monthly, and most Board Committees meet two-three times a year for approximately two hours each time for planning. Further time commitments depend on the committee and the planned activities.

If you are interested in serving on a board committee or the board, please contact us at

Focus Area Committee

Our members consistently have told us their most rewarding experience and the best way to be involved in Impact is to join a Focus Area Committee (FAC). If you are interested in learning more about philanthropy and the nonprofits in our community, you should participate on one of the Impact Focus Area Committees: Arts, Culture & Preservation; Education; Environment & Animal Welfare; Family; and Health & Wellness.

If you choose not to be on a committee, please know that your membership and participation in the final vote in June are just as important to us as those who volunteer additional time to Impact.

If you have any additional questions or clarifications regarding the FACs, grants or the grant process, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Breakdown of FAC Committee Member Time Commitments (Estimated)

In November through early January, members are asked if they wish to participate on a FAC. FAC Chairs, Vice Chairs, meeting locations and meeting times are provided to help you make your selection. A Focus Area Committee meets 3-4 times from January – June with an estimate of 14 hours of your time for this volunteer activity. The time commitment for a FAC member breaks down as follows:

January: 2 hours: Committee Meeting #1

February: 4 hours estimated to read and evaluate FAC Letters of Intent (LOI) and attend Committee Meeting #2 to discuss and choose which LOIs will advance

March-April: 4 hours estimated to read and evaluate FAC full proposals and attend Committee Meeting #3 to discuss and choose which nonprofits will receive a site visit.

April-May: 5-6 hours: 4 hours to visit nonprofits if choose to participate in site visits and attend Committee Meeting #4 to choose a finalist for the focus area.

Total time commitment estimate: 10 hours in meetings and site visits, plus additional time to read grant proposals to prepare for meetings.

This year’s FAC meeting schedule can be found here.

Impact FAC Process

Review the Grant Making Process to understand how our members are involved in choosing who receives our grants.

The “Three C’s” of our FACs:

Communication – Email is essential to the regular communication of the committees and to efficient distribution of grant materials. Email distribution helps Impact reduce overhead costs normally required for copying and distribution of materials via traditional mail or other methods. If you do not have access to email, this does not preclude participation on a committee, but communication may not be as timely as for others.

Committee roles – Each committee may decide to select specific roles to assist in management of the grant process. These roles may include a secretary to document meeting minutes, site visit coordinators to arrange and schedule site visits, site reporters to document and summarize each site visit, communication coordinator, or financial advisor. Please consider if you are able to volunteer for one of these committee roles which will be discussed in one of the first meetings of the committee.

Conflict of Interest – Each committee member will be asked to review the Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis Conflict of Interest policy and to complete a disclosure form prior to receiving any nonprofit Letters of Intent. Conflict of Interest Policy Form: This disclosure form will ask for you to determine if you have a leadership position in any of the nonprofits submitting a grant application for your FAC. If there is potential for a conflict of interest within your assigned committee, you may be asked to select another committee for your involvement.