Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis is a charitable women’s giving circle dedicated to awarding high impact grants to nonprofits in our community. We seek to fund critical needs, new ventures, and innovative ways to solve social problems in order to create a more civil and respectful climate.
Review our work through our Annual Giving Report
or the Interactive Impact Map showing where our grantees are located.

2025 is our 20th Anniversary of grant making!
But while we’re celebrating, we’re still getting down to business. Click one of the below to learn how you can be
part of our 20th year as a member or a nonprofit!
Sponsor Our Annual Celebration
Update on Giving Tuesday, 2024
Impact 100 has always been about making a difference – both for the nonprofits to whom we offer grants, and among the Indianapolis community at large. Since 2013 Impact 100 has been making a difference in shaping the philanthropic perspectives of women early in their public service career through our Leaders of the Future Scholarship Program, which covers the cost of membership for promising philanthropists early in their career.
#GivingTuesday was established to inspire people to improve their local communities by giving on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. At Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis, all #GivingTuesday donations go into our Leaders of the Future Scholarship Program. This thermometer tracks the progress of this year’s donations.
2024 Grant Recipients
(For an update on how the 2024 Grant Recipients used their grant funds, go to this blog p;age)
91 Place will not forget June 11, 2024, where they were named the Impact 100 2024 Change Maker!

91 Place was the Health & Wellness Focus Area Committee Finalist. The organization serves homeless youth, ages 16-24, by providing transitional housing for up to 2 years using a comprehensive wellness strategy. The Change Maker Grant will fund The Creating Permanency in Transitional Housing project. This project is an urgent response to the pending sale of their flagship home, which houses 4 youth and 2 house mentors. The home’s owners are offering the property to 91 Place at a price far below its appraised value. This opportunity creates equity, avoids a costly and disruptive move and eliminates the necessity of finding another suitable house when few are on the market.
Four other local nonprofits received unrestricted Community Support Grants of $11,000 each:
- Arts, Culture & Preservation: Iibada Dance Company, Artsforce Development Project
- Education: Kids ’Voice of Indiana, Little Voices, Big Futures
- Environment & Animal Welfare: Medical Mutt Service Dogs, Mutt Mentors Fostering Program
- Family: Coburn Place Safe Haven, Two-Generation Rapid Rehousing & Supportive Service Program
To find out more about each finalist organization, click on their name to go to their website. To learn more about their proposed project, go to our blog here.
Interested in supporting one of these projects? Contact us at and we will be happy to make the introductions.
For an update on how the 2023 grants have been used by the nonprofits receiving them, read our blog here.
19th Annual Awards Celebration
This year’s Annual Awards Celebration were held at The Heirloom Indianapolis, and the night was a huge success. Proceeds from the Wine and Spirits Pull and the Cookie Sales go to support Impact 100’s “Friend” fund, which helps us keep the ticket cost to the event down and supports operating costs and overhead expenses. These funds ensure that 100% of each membership donation goes directly to the annual Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis grant pool.
A big thank you to all their members and their guests for allowing us to share how powerful empowering women in our community can be with Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis. And a really big thank you to our sponsors, patrons, underwriters, and donors!
Gold Sponsors

2024 Annual Awards Celebration Patrons
Our patrons supported the event through cash or in-kind donations to our Cookie Auction, Baskets, and Wine and Spirits Pull.
Bev Middaugh
Chrissy Vasquez
Laura Dahlem