Beacon of Hope Crisis Center 2021 Residual Grant Report
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center received a residual grant of $17,038 in June 2021 from Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis. They submitted the following report in December 2021 to keep our members informed on how the grant money was used.
How did the unrestricted fund strengthen your organization?
2021 is the second year with pandemic impact, and the importance of receiving additional funds for programming cannot be understated. Costs across the board have increased due to a rise in inflation and labor shortages have created challenges. Despite the challenges, with help from this Impact award we were able to ensure service levels and quality. These funds strengthened our organization by helping us to deliver on our mission and keep individuals and pets safe from domestic violence harm.
Describe the specific successes achieved as a result of receiving the unrestricted funds from Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis.
Our agency has been elevated with overall agency and specific program assistance; we were able to successfully cover shortfalls for needed supplies, operating costs, wage, FICA, and healthcare stipend expenses.
Specifically, thanks to this assistance our capacity to serve was sustained; we have been able to serve 1,274 victims as of November 30, 2021, and will be able to serve the remainder of those coming to us during the month of December.