Virtual New Member Welcome and Orientation a Success
The Virtual Orientation on January 19, was well attended! We were happy to see the enthusiasm of our new members, loyal support of current members, and leadership from our Board members. The meeting was attended by twenty-six members, including eight scholarship recipients, and several other new members. The beginning of the year is a very special time for Impact 100 as Focus Area Committees are assigned and we begin the very thorough grant process. Roberta Ziccarelli, Scholarship Chair, and Chris Paulsen, Scholarship Navigator, reviewed FAC participation expectations, check-in meeting for the Spring, attendance, volunteering, and social media assistance. (Learn more about our Young Philanthropist Scholarship Program here.) Barb Maurath, Founding Member, “Historian,” and Education FAC Chair, represented the FAC Chairs and Co-Chairs by sharing the Impact 100 history, the importance of the thorough grant process, and the trust the Indianapolis community has with the Impact 100 grant vetting. All FAC meetings are virtual through April and site visits may be virtual again this year. Mentoring is new for 2021, and the FAC Chairs will assist in checking in with their committee members to ensure they understand the process and are comfortable asking questions. Lindsay Scott shared the marketing update for 2021. The Fall Giving Guide (IBJ) was new for Impact 100 (see more about our participation here), and social media posts and shares are encouraged by all. A local restaurant gift card will be awarded to the new member that posts and shares most often for Impact 100! This will be determined in June, with assistance from our members. After the formal program, the Meet and Mingle went very well with many 17 members staying on the call. As a result of the meeting, we have three scholarship members who will assist us with marketing and event planning. It was very uplifting to meet so many members on the Zoom call. Looking forward to seeing each other in person in the future. Julianne Robinson, Membership Chair |