Member Feature

Kelly Hartman on Why She Became an Impact 100 Member

Kelly Hartman is the President of Outside the Box, a non-profit that provides services for adults with developmental disabilities. She shares her experience with winning the Impact 100 $100,000 grant in 2011 and why she decided to join Impact 100 herself. im·pact n. The power of making a strong, immediate impression. From the perspective of pure…

Impact 100 Member Lisa Rioux Receives “Spirit of Indy Reads” Award

by Donna Oklak Lisa Rioux, an Impact 100 member and tutor for Indy Reads, was recently recognized with the Richard Murray “Spirit of Indy Reads” Award. “The work that Lisa has done with her student is simply astounding,” says Alyssa Newerth, Director of Development at Indy Reads. Alyssa says that Lisa’s work with her student…