Nicole Conrad and Stephanie Goodrid LawsonDonna Oklak and Kellie Norwalk, Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis Co-FoundersKaren Holly, Barb Fleming-Cecil, and Andi CohenBarb Fleming-Cecil and Outside the Box Check PresentationWe love our members!The Rock Steady Boxing crew just before they were announced as the 2010 $100,000 Change-Maker Grant Winner.
Members at 2016 Annual DinnerMembers at 2016 Annual Dinner2016 Check Reveal2014 Spring New Members at Red Cross Event2007 Pecar Grand Opening Ribbon CuttingAnna and Roberta Jaggers, and Jen Thomas playing the pipe organ with flip flops at Jameson Camp, 2012 WinnerAmy Micon, Donna Oklak, Charlitta Winston, Beth Thomas, Karen Holly, and Anne Nelson on the Red Carpet at the Premier of Attucks: The School That Changed a CityBrent Cummins explaining an obstacle to Kathy and Tom Jenkins, and Sarah and Jen Thomas at Jameson Camp, 2012 Change-Maker Grant Winner