Founder’s Letter

We appreciate the opportunity to share with you our passion for Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis. For those who have already joined us in this important endeavor, we thank you. Without you, our founding year’s dream of delivering $100,000 to nonprofits in the Greater Indianapolis community would remain just that – a dream. If you haven’t yet joined us, we hope you’ll take the time to explore our site and to learn more about us. We’ve taken great care to anticipate any questions you might have about our organization.

Women’s giving circles like ours have a history of proven success. As the fourth Impact 100 in the United States, we follow Cincinnati, Pensacola and Austin who in three short years gave over one million dollars in high impact grants to nonprofits in their respective communities. We are inspired by their success and have modeled Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis after these innovative organizations. Since our formation, Impact 100 has continued to grow with new organizations in Owensboro, KY, San Antonio, Oklahoma and more. Some aspects of our shared model include:

  • The power of the collective – By banding together at least 100 women, each contributing $1,000, we have a stronger voice and more profound impact on our community.
  • One woman one vote – Every Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis member has an equal vote in deciding where her money goes.
  • Choose your level of involvement – You may choose to do nothing more than donate $1,000 and then cast your vote at the annual meeting in June. Or you may wish to serve on one of the five grant focus area committees, or organizational committees such as marketing, membership etc.
  • 100% of member donations go to the grant recipient(s) – All operating costs of the organization are paid for by donations to “Friends of Impact 100” (donations of less than $1,000, corporate donations or matching gifts).

Admittedly, our goals are bold. Quite simply, we intend to improve the quality of life in our diverse community by effecting sustainable social change. Join us on our journey as we make an impact on women’s philanthropy in Central Indiana.


Kelli Norwalk and Donna Oklak
Co-founders, Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis
June 2006