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Previous Grant Winner News: 5×5 Awards $10,000 to Herron High School Faculty Member
A faculty member of Herron High School (a past Impact 100 grant winner) was awarded the 5×5: Indianapolis Arts and Innovation prize. The $10,000 prize was awarded to math teacher Adrian Pumphrey for his idea of an Indianapolis Young Songwriter’s Guild, a place for young musicians, writers and producers to come together. The grant, along with three…
We the Women 2018 – Changing the Face of Philanthropy
submitted by Terry Mumford, Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis Board President Under the banner “We the Women”, more than 300 women philanthropists attended the Catalist Conference in Philadelphia, October 21-23, 2018, to change the face of philanthropy. Catalist (formerly Women’s Collective Giving and Grantmakers Network (WCGN)) is part of the collective giving movement, representing 64 affiliates…
Meet the 2018 Young Philanthropist Scholarship Members (Overview)
Impact 100 has always been about making a difference – both for the nonprofits to whom they offer grants, and among the Indianapolis community at large. In the last six years, Impact 100 has been making a difference in shaping the philanthropic perspectives of young women through its scholarship program, which covers the cost of…
Setting Up a Watch Party for Impact 100 Videos
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Important News from Ascent 121
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Focus on Improving Our Community
Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis was established to bring together philanthropic women to fund high impact grants of $100,000 or more to improve our community. Our Grant Funding Works to Improve Our Community Our grant philosophy directs us to improve our community in two ways: Our Membership Options Give Us a Broad Base of Support in…