Nonprofit News

Impact 100 President Terry Mumford on WCGN Panel Discussing Grants Creating Ripples

Research tells us that measuring results is important, and the experience of organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation validates that lesson. But collective giving organizations make a variety of grants over the long term, creating something like an artist’s portfolio. Are there ripple effects, impacts that go beyond a particular grant? In the…

Act NOW for 2018 planning! Talk to your tax planner to address tax law changes now!

Planning for 2018 taxes could help you AND Impact 100 Yes, Impact 100 accepts stock donations! Yes, you can pay your 2019 membership anytime in 2018! Yes, we are an all-volunteer non-profit but we DO have overhead expenses, including credit card fees, website, social media, postage, recruitment events, and public relations. Donate to “Friends of…