Nonprofit News

Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis Recognized as Indiana Philanthropy Association’s Outstanding Philanthropy Group of 2018

Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis was named as the 2018 Outstanding Philanthropy Group by the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Indiana Chapter. Impact 100 Board member Roberta Jaggers nominated us. Board member emerita Donna Oklak presented the award. At the awards ceremony on November 15th, Terry A.M. Mumford, President of the Board of Directors, accepted the…

We the Women 2018 – Changing the Face of Philanthropy

submitted by Terry Mumford, Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis Board President Under the banner “We the Women”, more than 300 women philanthropists attended the Catalist Conference in Philadelphia, October 21-23, 2018, to change the face of philanthropy. Catalist (formerly Women’s Collective Giving and Grantmakers Network (WCGN)) is part of the collective giving movement, representing 64 affiliates…