Author: Impact 100 Indy

A Q&A with Dan Shepley, Executive Director of Jameson Camp

On June 19, 2012 the members of Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis awarded a grant of $100,000 to Jameson Camp, a fully accredited residential summer camp for youth ages 7-17. This $100,000 grant allowed Jameson Camp to expand their outdoor educational areas, increase the number of children served, and establish permanent staff positions. Dan Shepley, the…

A Q&A with Travis DiNicola, Executive Director of Indy Reads

by Jennifer Bortel On June 12, 2007 the members of Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis awarded a $100,000 grant to Indy Reads, the only provider of free basic literacy tutoring to adults in Indianapolis. Our grant allowed Indy Reads to expand current volunteer training for tutors to reach more students. Travis DiNicola, the executive director at…