Author: Impact 100 Indy

President Beth Thomas on Why She Joined Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis

As the President for Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis, and after spending two years as the Membership Chair, I have spent a lot of time working on ways to attract new members. I’ve thought about how I came to know Impact 100 after an organization I supported, Indy Reads, received a grant in 2007. The grant…

Impact Members Attend Red Carpet Screening of Residual Grant Winning Film

Attucks: The School That Opened a City premiered on Thursday, August 18 at the Madame Walker Theatre. The film, a 2015 Residual Grant winner produced by Ted Green with WFYI, was screened before an audience of over 1000, including many noted Attucks grads who came from all over the country to attend. The story of this school…