Grant Winner News

The Opioid Crisis: A Complex and Perplexing Problem in Indiana

One in 20 people in our state are addicted to opioid painkillers and a staggering 286,000 Hoosiers report having engaged in non-medical use. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicates Indiana exceeded all but eight states in the number of pain prescriptions written per 100 people in 2012, enough for every Hoosier to have…

An Update from Impact Grantee Big Car Collaborative

Big Car Collaborative, the recipient of a residual grant of $4,250 in 2014, recently gave us an update on what impact our grant had on their organization. Fun Fleet reached 300 kids on the Far Eastside and International Marketplace last summer! They traveled with the Indianapolis Public Library’s Bookmobile to 10 apartment complexes for 8…