
Impact 100 Announces 2014 Award Amount

Last night, Impact 100 president Karen Holly announced that Impact 100 will be awarding $117,000 to five local nonprofits this year. In June 2014, one grant of $100,000 and four residual/unrestricted grants of $4,250 will be awarded. Nonprofits’ LOIs are due tomorrow, January 17. The announcement event was held at Tindley Collegiate, the recipient of…

Q&A with Sue Welch, 2014 Chair of the Arts and Culture Committee

Sue Welch answers some questions about chairing the 2014 Arts and Culture Committee. If you are interested in joining the Arts and Culture Committee or one of the other Focus Area Committees for 2014 (Environment, Health and Wellness, Education, and Family), please contact Andi Cohen at Arts and Culture Committee Chair: Sue Welch Email address: Meeting Location: Bingham Greenbaum…