Author: Impact 100 Indy

Impact 100 Pensacola Featured in Local PBS Documentary

Our sister organization, Impact 100 Pensacola Bay Area — the largest Impact 100 organization in the country — was the subject of an hour-long documentary by WSRE. In the documentary, the women of Impact 100 talk about how Impact 100 concept has become a phenomenon in women’s philanthropy. While Pensacola was not the first Impact 100 (that…

Impact 100 Receives Social Health Association of Indiana’s Milestone Partnership Award

Impact 100 is honored to be the recipient of Social Health Association of Indiana’s Milestone Partnership Award. Social Health Association (SHA) was Impact 100’s 2014 $100,000 grant award recipient. The award was presented on February 4 for having significant impact on past and present SHA programs. Several Impact 100 members were present, and Impact 100…